Monday, March 12, 2007

24th March 2007 - Word..DD!

Word..dd! - Spoken Word, Poetic, Lyrical Expressions…

“Word…dd” is an initiative focusing on literature (creative), specifically Spoken word, Poetic and Lyrical Expressions. It is established to occupy and stimulate especially young creative writers. It is through acknowledging our societies’ need for positive expression that “word…dd” has been created. As well as for the importance of uniting people and building strong and positive relationships within our community. With further regard to this, human development is highlighted as one of the outcomes of this initiative.

Your host: BlaqPearl

Special Guest: Welcome back home, only for 1 month TROY (Renowned Producer/Artist & CEO of PrettyUgly Records from CT/New York City, USA.)

12:00am - Stalls Setup (Local Cd’s, T-shirts, Books,etc)
13:00pm - Open Mic Session starts
16:00pm - Closure

Stiek uit!!

Bring your self, words, music and mind

Your participation’s truly appreciated. + Come to express your thoughts on stage or just to listen & support. See you there!! Peace!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

12:00 – 17:00 pm

Beacon Valley Community Centre, Mitchell’s Plain, 7785. Cape Town.

More Info:
BlaqPearl 072 232 5862 / Wilmot (office) 376 1135

Will you attend?
RSVP to this invitation (Respond ASAP)

Thanks/ Support:
Dept. of Arts & Culture and Dept. of Social Development Facilitation Unit and City of Cape Town

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey,Thanx for the space...
Much Appreciated!
Janine "BlaqPearl"